We are currently working on a huge project...a 23,000 sf home...it has a
ballroom in the basement!!! I know...MASSIVE! What is even crazier is that
they are literally building as we draw. Even worse, the original designer
left us with a ton of issues they we are rushing to solve.
What has our solution to these issues been? MOULDING!!
More is More...you can hide some of the worst issues with moulding, but you can't skimp!
Moulding is better when you layer it on!
The Wall Street Journal wrote an amazing article about the origins of French Mouldings...
so educational! They gave 5 tips for effective mouldings:
1. Experiment with layering: It's possible to create a "subtle complexity" with moldings, says New York-based Classical-style architect Gil Schafer. He advises combining different types—from streamlined to ornate—rather than using stock millwork.
2. Decide how much you want your moldings to pop: To visually heighten the ceiling, paint crown moldings the same hue as the wall they're embellishing (white-on-white is classic and nuanced). For a more emphatic effect, paint or stain moldings an accent color. If you're feeling unusually daring, use paint to pick out certain moldings in different colors or shades of the same hue. In his own home, as related in "French Accents," architect Jean-Louis Deniot played with three or four different tones to highlight the moldings and decorative plaster motifs. That color layering, he told Ms. Swift, "provides a better sense of rhythm and volume."
3. Remember that some moldings are also practical: Baseboards, for instance, protect walls from damage caused by cleaning implements. "Chair rails, placed at the point where chair backs bang into the wall," writes Ms. Swift in her book, "create barriers for plaster, Sheetrock and drywall."
4. Consider going vintage: To avoid the McMansion effect that can result from using stock, injection or plastic molding, comb estate sales and shops that specialize in antique variations. Note, however, that most reclaimed moldings were bespoke-crafted for a specific home. You'll likely need to recruit a millworking shop to make them fit your interiors' needs.
5. Cavernous old-school rooms are prime candidates for moldings: If you live in a more traditional residence with unusually high ceilings, installing additional moldings helps to warm the room and make it feel less "warehouse-y," said Guy Carpenter, whose New Orleans millwork firm Supreme Restoration replicates moldings found in 19th-century, French-styled homes.
But, there are more contemporary companies that have put a twist on mouldings. One of my new favorites is Solomon & Wu. They have put a new edge on mouldings with geometric and organic shapes.
So next time you aren't sure how to solve for issue while designing...mask it with moulding!
Love, F&F