Monday, January 6, 2014

Apartment Therapy - Assignment 3 - Fresh Perspective

Today, Apartment Therapy posted the 3rd assignment for the January Cure.  After completing this weekend's assignment with flying colors ... literally - check out my flowers...

I am inspired to continue today's assignment.  The goal for this evening is to get new perspective on a space that may not be your favorite.  For me, its our "home office" know, that extra bedroom that would serve as a child's room (if you had children) but instead, it has a desk that is covered in mail and a closet filled with boxes of more junk that you can't seem to get rid of.  So after 2 years..its time to reevaluate this space!

I have a visual of what I want the room to be...still a home office but since we have guests often, I would like it to be a guest bedroom as now this space has two functions other than the holder of all the "is this really trash" items.

So how do I accomplish this?  

First step:  Throw it away!  I have a problem, I am slowly becoming a hoarder (its genetic) and I want to stop it before someone has to dig me out of my home.  So all those old receipts for insignificant purchases - out.  All that mail that has been opened and handled...out!  Old issues of Brides magazine (now that i'm married, I really don't need them - not like I used them anyway) all gone!

Second step:  Organize! There will be left over documents & keepsakes that I will want to keep but just need a better system.  File cabinets & desk organizers.  Since our desk has no drawers - all those pens and pencils need a place.  

Now that its all organized - its time to plan - literally draw a plan.  I want to layout how to arrange the space so it can function as an office but is comfy and inviting for guests! So I will draft up a few ideas...then look for furniture!  

For me - this assignment will take some time to accomplish but its nice to finally have a goal set and a plan of action!  I will post before/after pics & the sketches of how I plan to move forward!

Stay tuned! 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Favorite Fashion Pins!

Everyday, I search Pinterest for amazing images...maybe some people see then but a lot do not. Each week, I will post my top pins of the week to spread these amazing images some of you may be missing.  ENJOY!!

Friday, January 3, 2014


Ok, so it has been months since I've posted anything!  I have a world of excuses and none of them matter, so why even mention them!

However, I have felt a new surge of inspiration!  Not necessarily because it is the new year, but because one of my favorite blogs, Apartment Therapy has posted their annual January Cure series.  This series provides daily posts that will help you get organized and to finally finish up some of those house hold projects you have been putting off for oh so long!

This finally got me motivated to at least pretend that I'm going to accomplish something and be one step closer to making my new house (for the past 2 years) a home.

After signing up, I felt renewed (as if I was actually going to do this) here goes!

Assignment 1
Make a list

Seems easy enough, right!?  Make a list of all the projects you have been dying to get to but have never found the time.  Doesn't have to be fact, I think its better if its a bunch of small goals...less pressure!  Once you have made you list...pick the top 3-5 for each space in your home!  This way, its so much easier to manage (we'll see).  Even though I'm a few days behind, just the idea of writing it down helps a ton!

Assignment 2
Weekend Chores

I love this weekend's assignment!  Mainly because I am quarter of the way finished (I have 3 stories and I just cleaned one this past weekend) So now, all I have to do is finish the floors on the remaining levels...and my favorite...FLOWERS!  There was a time when i was buying flowers on a weekly basis.  I just loved designing arrangements and filling my home with floral scents! Its such a calming experience and doesn't have to be that expensive! 3 stems of hydrangea is only $6 at the grocery store...and they look great in a small vase!

With that said...I'm off to the cure!  I will chronicle my own experience with Apartment Therapy's challenge and do daily updates on what I have (and have not) crossed off my list!

So wish my luck!  And if you are interested in taking the challenge, sign up at Apartment Therapy!