Sunday, July 8, 2012


About 4 years ago or so, one of my co-workers (an older woman) told me how she dreamed of being an architect. However, the program of her choice ( at the time) only allowed one woman, and she wasnt it. When she told me this, it only reassured my decision in pursuing architecture as a profession.
A few years back, Mattel release Architect Barbie. I was so excited, especially since my favorite thing about playing Barbies was to maniulate my barbie fold and fun house, barbie mobile home, barbie town house, etc. and make even larger, more interesting homes for my barbie to dwell.
Once the doll was released, i realized, the gender gap had not closed as much as i thought.
Look at her!!! Nothing about this doll relates to me or my profession. I’m not saying she should be decked out in all black from head to toe and drive a mini cooper, but at least she could represent today’s working woman.
As an african american woman, I am a double minority in the field of design, and in 2012, i would think gender roles would have blurred a little more.
I guess we still have some ways to go!!

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